On a reccommendation from a friend, we began taking our puppy to Animal Medical West shortly after we got her. They were usually okay but when she contracted tape worm from digesting a flea, they treated me like a child. The female doctor came in and lectured me on my care for my dog and made it seem like it was my fault as the owner and that I was not properly caring for her. I continued to go to this vet but I insisted with the reception staff that I did not want to make any more appointments with this woman. About a year and a half later, my dog was stung by a bee. Her entire face and mouth swelled up, and she broke out in hives. When I called the vet to tell them about my emergency and to see if the could see me they told me they were too "booked " and could not see me that Friday afternoon, nor could they see me in the short time they were open the next morning. I called another vet and they stayed open for me while I rushed there through 45 minutes of traffic to get there.