The Animal Medical Center of Cascades is a state-of-the-art veterinary medical facility located in Sterling, Virginia. We are staffed by a team of experienced veterinary technicians and assistants who are dedicated to providing you and your companion quality veterinary care, ensuring a lasting bond between you and your pet. We believe the road to your pet’s health is through preventive medicine and client education, and at the Animal Medical Center of Cascades, we are able to fulfill our dedication by adhering to four core values. Those are honesty, care & compassion, responsibility and adaptability. The Animal Medical Center of Cascades was founded in 2000 with a desire to base a veterinary hospital on preventative medicine and education. Nothing gives us more satisfaction than seeing our clients with healthy, happy pets and knowing that we were able to contribute to that happiness. Please visit us to meet our friendly, experienced staff. We look forward to meeting you and your pet, and to serving all of your veterinary needs.