Back in May of 2006 my husband and I found a cat laying almost lifeless on the side of the road. We decided to take this cat in for treatment and were advised by the local veterinarian, that he would never be able to use the litter box like a normal cat. It seems that as a result of his injuries, he was paralyzed in that region. However, he functioned normally in every other way. The dr. advised euthanising. My husband and I called Dr. Nunez whose office is 2 and half hours away from us for advise. He said ""bring him to me and I will do a stem cell implant, in the hopes of regenerating cells in the region of his paralysis."" so we did, he amputated the tail which was lifeless and did the transplant. Although he knew the chances were slim, he opted on the side of kind of guy! Unfortunately, the transplant was not successful. However, he advised us on how to care for this animal rather than opt to end his life. We ended up keeping ""Cato"" for several years, he lived as close to a normal and happy life as possible. Through out Cato's time with us, we found it challenging to board him w/ local vets. because he needed to have his bladder expressed several times daily to keep from getting infected or worse eruption. Most vets found this to be more work than it was worth. Dr. Nunez however, always accepted Cato with open arms and boarded him every time we needed it. \r
I guess its a testament within itself to say we were willing to drive 2 1/2 hours to see him and use his facilities (which by the way are state of the art, clean and welcoming), he is CLEARLY worth the drive. I've never met a more focused, professional yet loving, caring and kinder soul. He is an earth loving and free spirit a man with a mission and a clear love for life, music and his profession. Hats off to Dr. Nunez!\r
Pros: really cares & fair prices