We ended up paying for $400 for health plan and $300+ for vaccines and medication home delivery service. We do not mind to pay money for the care we receive, however, the level of their care was unfortunately not worth the money. Their EMR was not accurate and kept sending us a letter for the vaccinations our dog had already received; poor communication between doctors once it comes to a semi-emergency health condition; nurses and some clerks were great though. As we were frustrated with their care, we did a research on several vets in the area, and found that this animal health center had an extreme poor review. We switched to another animal hospital. I cannot tell you how happy my husband and I are! Excellent care at the new vet. He did thorough exam on our dog, ran only necessary tests, explained differential diagnosis and treatment with alternative plans, and gave us an appropriate medication. I felt like I found a right doctor! I wonder why the pet shop recommended this animal hea