Dr. Payne is amazing with these animals. He is more than willing to explain any questions you may have and will keep talking until you are both sure you understand. The animals love him, and even when one (such as mine) is a little cranky he is so relaxed about it and moves on until the animal is comfortable. He was wonderful and more than willing to refer outside of his area when my Drake had some odd spinal issues. He is in high demand from the patients, human and canine :) Sometimes it is hard to get in to see him, but he is so very worth it. After hours, he is very accessible when the vet on call, and so friendly and laid back and knowledgeable he takes the crisis right out of things, and helps you to think clearly about the medical needs of the dog rather than working in panic mode. That is a hard thing for a pet owner to do, and Dr. Payne understands this and asks the right questions. I love that he is here and local for all four of my critters to go to.