Note to our patient.
Remember: Do not share,give,exchange or loss your narcotic medication
You are legally responsible for your prescribed medication
Come to pain management appointment on time
Bring only one companion w/ you if you needed
Recommendation: Lock up your medication in a safety box right after you use.
Do not bring all medication to places in purse that you may loss it all.
Do not discuss/ disclose to stranger about your narcotic medication.( This is your privacy and confidentiality.)
We feel pound to have you as our patient. We are very well run pain clinic. We try any resources to keep our patient is under well monitoring and instruction.
We do pill count to patient and patient have to come to the pill count. If patient failed to do so. We will only give no more than two weeks medication when you return. We may discharge the pt due to uncoorperation.
Follow up with all kinds of testing to prove the in cooperated patient is following prescription guideline. We may ask you to find another provider due to non compliance.