I stumbled in to this place on a friends recommendation about 2 months ago and have been a regular ever since. Their Panini (grilled) sandwiches are amazing. I dunno what the hell they make their pesto and other sauces with but it makes me think that they might include crak as I am addicted to these things. Also their Lattes are of a superior quality as compared to Starbucks or any other local chain, from what I hear their Espresso costs them like $9/lb and the taste shows this. Teas are wonderful, fruit smoothies are pretty good as well as the Italian sodas, but not really my cup of tea. I tried Hookah over there for the first time again in years and was extremely surprised by the taste and smoothness. Also the serenity of the back outdoor patio adds heavily to my somewhat zen-like feeling. Whatever, I'm rambling on and on. Basically I love this place and would recommend it to anyone.
Pros: Ambiance, Vibe, Service, Food, Decoration, Hookah, Patio, Experience!
Cons: Limited parking in front