A dog is the only thing on Earth that will love you more than you love yourself ,With a little practice, man can be a dogs best friend
From a regular bath to full grooming services, Amity Harbor will provide your pets with the attention and love they deserve. Our caring staff will have your puppy or dog returned to you fresh, clean and happy. When you come in for your appointment you will be greeted by a friendly staff member who will go over all the services we have to offer to pamper your pooch.GOING ON VACATION??We will care for your pet while you are away.Boarding services are available 7 days a week.Your pet will not sit in a cage waiting for you to return.He or she will be treated like one of our own.Inquire today. We offer special rates for long stays; every animal in our care will receive the respect and love that it deserves from the time we meet to the time we say goodbye.. About Our Personalized Care * Daily Visit* Haircuts* House Sitting* Nail Clipping* Shampoo* Spa Time