Must be something to the most recent complaints with AmeriWaste. Something has gone array with its collection as well as the level of service. I have repeatedly tried to contact this place of business not only in the past but just yesterday as well. Hard to think they are in business. That's right, Ameriwaste has a ""contract"" with the City. Ameriwaste doesn't need to answer phones. They seem to rely on the problem taking care of itself for the next scheduled pick up. Taking that up with the City, after hearing a long exasperated exhale as if this is yet another garbage complaint, the City suggests to contact AmeriWaste....""Here's the number"". Go figure. The most annoying issue is that EVERY TIME i'm spending time picking up what they left behind. I have seen their trash tactics and it clearly shows why there is so much trash left behind on our streets. They are pretty good at the schedule pick up days however erratic at that. It's pretty Nuts. having over 40 years of experience with trash, there are very few communities that skip trash days for the next scheduled pick up. Most communities to the ""day after"" program. It's crazy to think that a household will have trash in their home for a much as 12 days after the last pick up.
Cons: more than enough