The owner is an awful employer and doesn't care for employees at all. He underpays, overworks and yells at staff all the time - including in front of each other. He scams customers by providing a terrible service, he doesn't know anything about the technical side of his own business - when I worked there I had to figure everything out myself since he didn't know anything. He always talks about how expensive everything he pays for is to guilt employees, but just bought 2 new cars and is remodeling his home. He constantly talks terribly about previous employees to current ones and makes everyone uncomfortable. He falls asleep in his office and staff meetings. His staff is constantly rotating, everyone quits because he makes the work environment awful. If we're counting his whole staff he's definitely had at least 30 people in & out within the last 2 years. Within my 2 months of working there, 10 people quit - including myself.