I am Patricia Austgen, a 20 year veteran with Ameriprise Financial Advisors. My primary focus in my practice is to ""recreate a paycheck"" in retirement and I work mostly with clients age 50+. We meet at least twice a year in my office (at the corner of Rtes. 30 and 41 in Schererville) plus I am very proactive in educating my clients so that they can make GREAT decisions. I conduct monthly educational webinars and dinner/lunch seminars throughout the year. I proactively help them with their investments and estate planning needs. As I see more and more people living longer, and company pensions going away, my job has become much more important. I work diligently every day to plan with my clients so that they don't run out of money. \r
Check out my website and my VIDEO by searching:\r
""Ameriprise Austgen""