This company is overzealous in its technological advances. The same ""high tech"" solutions they charge 25-35% extra for, a startup will include the same solutions at an ultra competitive price. This company takes advantage of the carpet novice, because as a client, you just want clean carpets no matter how the cleaning team has to get it done. They try to educate you, but if you did some background investigations, you would find out that the service price is severely marked up from the actual overhead cost it is to purchase the said solutions from a janitorial supply store. Also because of the fact that you can get it from your local supply store, it discredits them when they say they pay an arm and a leg to acquire the said solutions.\r
Do yourself a favor and comparision shop, because there are cheaper and better companies that won't try to take from you and some may have a team of EXPERTS.
Pros: Willing to work any days/hours
Cons: Will charge you bullish prices for bearish results