Well if the saying FIRST IMPRESIONS LASTS, then right now I am terrified! On the very first day I was totally impressed with what I was seeing. That was until the next morning I realized that the nurse who would be attending me had stolen from me!! She stole some money from me and probably thought that I would not realize it based on some information that I had given them in reference to my health.\r
I spoke with the company about the incident and they gave me the normal corporate company spill about ""her being employed with them for a long time and that she had never had any other incidents before. Well for one, SHE WAS BRAND SPANKING NEW TO ME. \r
She probably has been doing this to other paitents who are much older than myself ( I am 41). Those folks in their '60's on up would never suspect her because she is good at cleaning. They would probably either forget about the money or assume that they just misplaced it. I am 1000% crystal clear in thought when it comes to MY MONEY!\r
I did call the police and filed charges against her. Everything is still pending, but I suspect that since the officer that came to my house called me back later on in the day to ask me for a description of this woman (something the company should have easily been able to do!) it was definitely a no--brainer about what she had done.\r
The company was suppose to call me back the same day with who would be my new replacement. They did not! I reported the incident to the VA hospital so that they would know what had happen. I was getting ready the next day to ask for another company when I received a call from another nurse at the same company. She wanted to discuss schedules and I told her that since I was at the VA hospital at that time, I would call her back about 4PM. That call was the only reason why I considered using them again; not wanting to judge the individual or the company. I will comment again after meeting the new nurse