I do not understand what these other people are talking about. I have been going to this place for three years and have not had any problems. \r
I laser just about everything: upper lip, chin, side burns, back of neck, underarms, areola, naval, extended brazillian bikini, and full legs. I do not do my arms because i have tattoos and the laser cannot go over the tattoos. I am having great results. The staff does everything they can to make it comfortable for you, especially around the sensitive areas. I have never been hounded either. Sure they tell me about their specials, but I do not see a problem with that. About all the whinning with the cancellation fees, I would like you people to think about it. If it was not so high then people would be cancelling all the time out of rudeness. My leg/bikini appt takes 2 and half hours, so if I cancelled that morning they would have a hard time to refill it. If I had to cancel my face for an emergency I am sure they could work with me with the fee since it only takes 15 minutes. If you are cancelling all the time then that is your problem, you should not make it theirs if it starts to hurt their business. If it is a true emergency I am sure it can be worked out. \r
The staff has always been really nice and I have never received a phone call except to remind me of my appts. I rarely have to wait when I come in. I sit for maybe a minute or two then I am taken back. \r
I did try the microderms for my acne but it did not help. It does make your face feel really smooth afterwards, but it is not really for me. \r
The prices have been really good, especially if you get the buy one get one free. Do not pay full price. That has nothing to do with this place particularly it has to do with any big purchase you make, like buying a car. If you do not want two packages, then negotiate the price for half off one. The price is not set in stone so keep at it until it seems fair to you. \r
I hope you will give this place a try. I have been happy with them. \r