This organization will provide you with receipts for one amount then charge you more than double when you collect. Give them the benefit of the doubt more than once and you'll regret it. They will not honor their dry-cleaning 10% off coupons that they provide on the packaging they return your clothes in. All shirts they press are wrinkled. When you bring this to their attention, they will tell you "that is how it is done" on their machines and that "if you don't like it", you can either pay them $5/shirt to avoid the issue or "don't bring your shirts in" to them. I've also seen a charge for cleaning a shirt double on two occasions without prior notification or warning. The first time, the shirt was a "special care item". The second was because they "found a stain that needed special attention". I don't mind vendors doing things, just as long as they tell me of any surprises in advance. When you take the time to be polite and raise issues with them as an $80-$120 /month customer; they insinuate that you are wrong and that they are deeply offended that you would suggest that they are "stealing" from you. Avoid this company like the plague. "They are overpriced, they don't do a decent job and they feel that a customer is a waste of their time and not the purpose it."