My advice: Don't even let them on your property for the estimate. Out of multiple estimates, they were the highest by quite a bit. They went back and forth with us, bad-mouthing the other company we were considering, instead of selling why American was better. When told that we weren't going with them, they got into a ""bidding"" war trying to offer to do the work for much MUCH less. In the end we went with the other company. It was doing more work, for less cost to us. However, last minute changes included some electrical which I guess was started without the proper permit. The rivalry between the company we chose and American is apparently so important to American (Or perhaps they have so little business they have nothing better to do) that they reported the hired company for doing this part without a permit, simply to slow them down and cost them more hours/money, which of course ends up costing ME money and time, as I have to once again rearrange my schedule to be home.
So if you have American come into your home and give you an estimate, you better go with them despite the cost, or they might just go out of their way to cause you problems. With all the available options out there, is American really worth the head-ache?