Welcome to American Bartending School in Fairfield, NJ! In only 2 weeks, you can be fully trained and ready to start bartending! As the nation’s oldest & most respected bartending school, American Bartending School has trained thousands of men and women to be working as bartenders since 1969!
American Bartending School will give you the skills & confidence you need to begin bartending the day you finish. Every day new restaurants, sports bars, club & hotels open that need well trained professional bartenders, and American Bartending School will help you find help you find a job!
Bartending is a fun job where you meet new people & make friends every day! If you're un-employed or need extra money (up to $300 daily), American Bartending School can help! Join us for a FREE class & see if bartending is for you! CALL American Bartending School in Fairfield, NJ 888-534-0376 & get started now!