Just like the signs posted on the outside say...this store is a LOT larger than it looks - 5000 square feet to be exact. They took an old office building and turned it into a Flag (and more store)
They have flags of all sorts, shapes, and sizes. They have one wall full of assorted random flags of all sorts - for example, there were 4 or 5 different pirate flags. They also had ones for holidays, babies, decorations, and businesses.
Need a tie with a flag on it? They have probably close to 40 (maybe more?) different ties related to flags and patriotism. There is all sorts of other world and patriotic items available.
In a bit of randomness (to me, anyways), they also sell porcelain dolls and figurines.
All in all, this is the first place to go if you are looking for a flag of any sort.