Nobody is perfect. That said, I think that one of the big reasons I continue with Amerimont Academy, and why I've put my daughter there, is because of the director, Miss Arelda Espinoza. The teachers at Amerimont Academy know all of the students, and the students know all of the teachers. I know that in my experience, seeing them all together, that the students feel comfortable being in any classroom, which is great. The teachers are phenomenal, friendly, and know how to talk to parents and kids alike.
I think it is a very bright, clean, nice facility. They always have kid friendly activities, and there is always something going on during a holiday or special weekend. On the administrative end, I've had a couple of situations with the financial end of it, but they fixed it up without any questions asked and right away.
Every experience I have had with Amerimont Academy has been good. Again, nobody is perfect, but in a situation that is less than ideal, they handle it. Really, I think they have been fantastic.
Kellie Coty