Alternative Health Solutions is a wellness center comprised of health professionals committed to providing our patients with health care that recognizes the whole person, delivering through natural means proven comprehensive and collaborative care that strives for elimination and prevention of disease. Although Alternative Health Solutions is complementary to allopathic (traditional) medicine, we promise to remain uncompromised by those concepts and practices, in delivering proven natural health care, to those who seek safe, natural healing alternatives. Alternative Health Solutions' purpose is to improve the health of individuals through natural healing techniques, nutrition and specifically tailored programs of care, allowing the body's renewed vitality to rehabilitate the patient from within - naturally. Although Alternative Health Solutions is a primary health care provider, it is not a walk-in medical center. Our website is AVAILABLE BY APPOINTMENT: Mo n, Tues, Wed & Fri 9 AM - 6 PM Closed Thursday Some Saturdays 9 AM - Noon. LOCATION: north side of 13 Mile, just east of Farmington Road and west of Orchard Lake Road, between North Farmington High School and the Antioch Lutheran Church. AFFILIATIONS: Michigan Chiropractic Society, American Medical Naturopathic Association, Michigan Pediatric Chiropractic Association, Michigan Opposing Mandatory Vaccines. Click on link to for listing.
ALTERNATIVE SERVICES: Dr. James E. Perkins, N.D., D.C., Naturopathy-Clinical Nutrition-Metabolic Evaluation and Treatment-Chiropractic-Trauma Release Therapy; Linda Allchin, R.N., NeuroModulation Technique-Allergy Elimination-Autonomic/Auto-immune Reprogramming; Debborah Jensen, Reiki Master, Reiki-Reiki Bodywork-Swedish and Deep Tissue Massage-Spiral Balancing; Marino Moutafis, MAcOM, Dipl. Ac., Acupuncture-Oriental Medicine; Robert Auerbach, Structural Integration Therapy (Rolfing). SPECIALTIES: Full Spine-Low Force-Metabolic/Nutritional Therapy-Pediatrics-Allergies-Holistic Care-Tensegrity-Scoliosis-Tendonitis-Sports Therapy-Energy Therapy-Muscle Testing-Acupuncture-Massage and Bodywork. TECHNIQUES: Diversified-Cox Clinical Traction-Applied Kinesiology -Contact Reflex Analysis-Versendaal-Matrix Repatterning (Trauma Release Therapy)-Sacral Occipital-Spiral Balancing-Neuromodulation Technique-Reiki-Rolfing. WORKSHOPS AND SEMINARS: Open to the public, health care professionals. Cli ck on link to for current offerings.