This review is in response to the above review by LeAnne R. I happened to have been at Melonie's shop with my dauighter and her bridal gown on a Saturday when LeAnne was there. . We were done with our fitting, and LeAnne was next. We saw her in her gown . At that time the dress was so tight if she sneezed she would have split the seams. At no time did Melonie yell at her, and her husband sits on the far side of the room, obscured by a wall, and unless he has X-ray vision, there is no way he can see any girls near the dressing rooms, nor would he be interested. I have known Melonie and her husband for years, both as a customer, and I had the good fortune to work with her where she was employed as a professional tailor. Her professionalism and expert sewing talent should not, and cannot be smeared by a bold-faced liar. After reading LeAnne's review I will be sure to recommend some fine attorneys in New Haven who would be happy to assist Melonie in a slander suit. In plain English, LeAnne should be ashamed of herself! Melonie should have sent this nut job on her merry way! Oh, and if her bridesmaid is such an expert and had to explain to Melonie how to fix the dress, why didn't she do it herself? Here's a little hint to LeAnne- that dress was totally inappropriate for your figure. Spend more time in the gym, and less time writing hostile lies. Shame on you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get your facts straight before you spew your venom. Melonie doesn't have a daughter to write these reviews. There is nothing false about her stellar work and reputation.Oh, good luck to the future groom. He's going to need all the luck he can get!!!!!!!!!!!