I took my cat in for vomiting/severe diarrhea/not eating. Initially I took him to VCA Central Animal Hospital, they couldn't telll me exactly what was going on, after racking up $2500 for 4 days stay with nothing but basic medication. My cat was surviving on IV and vitamin shots for close to 5 days at that point. \r
Dr. Henderson right away asked me "Do you use hair ties?" She pointed out CPK number on his blood test being high could indicate internal damage, possibly a hair tie he swallowed made a knot in his small intestine and tissue around there started dying. \r
She said "If it was just a bug in his stomach, he should have been better by now. With his age and his condition got worse in 1 day, cancer is unlikely"\r
It made perfect sense to me. \r
She recommended an emergency surgery before his small intestine ruptured, so I paid $1800 for 5 days/4 nights stay, medication, X-ray, a follow-up appointment, and suture removal. Oh, a plastic cone of shame included... \r
Dr. Hender