ALPINE AVIATION, INC., is a California-based flight service company offering flight charter, aircraft management, pilot flight training, rental, and aircraft maintenance. Founded in 1990, Alpine is located in Grass Valley, California 50 miles north of Sacramento. Alpine Aviation began as a part 135 Air Charter service with one Beech Twin Bonanza, -Model D50E. Air Carrier Certificate received in October 1991. Since 1991 we have operated several different aircraft for charter, started flight training with Cessna's, Piper's and now Diamond Aircraft. Since March 2006 we are a FAA Repair Station and now are Diamond and Cessna and Thielert Aircraft Engine Service Centers for aircraft maintenance. Alpine Aviation provides maintenance managing to maintain full compliance with the FARs, factory maintenance requirements and service bulletins.. Aircraft Charter Flight Instruction Aircraft Rental Aircraft Maintenance Avionic Repairs Pilot Supplies Inventory of Aircraft Parts