Alpha counseling is a privately owned center.This place is a joke, although it may be one of the cheaper services around , you get what you pay for. If you try to be honest with a counseler about your problems, instead of giving you the professional advise you are paying for ,they instead give you more classes, which in return is more money for them. I talked to a gentelman at the center who stated that, he was on dissablity and a fixed income, the center conveniently did not mention the almost 50% off discounted rate the man would recieve , they also refused to reimburse the gentelman with the money he had over paid. When talking to other clients of Alpha Counseling ,many if not all feel they are NOT getting the help they need and are questioning the true intentions of the counselers and owner of this treatment center. Things don't change unless changes are made, so if your serious about getting the help you need , pick up a AA/NA meeting list , go to a meeting and talk to people. Word of mouth is a good way to find out which treatments centers are whack like, Alpha Counseling or have good intentions with life changeing help that could save your life.
Pros: there cheap. YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR
Cons: there is no real counseling so you don't get the help you pay for