At Alpha Analytical, our goals are to provide detailed, personalized service and to consistently produce quality analytical data.
Alpha Analytical Inc. is one of the oldest commercial environmental analytical laboratories in Nevada. Since its inception in 1987, Alpha has provided a full range of environmental analyses for contaminates in soil, water, air, industrial waste and other materials. Our staff of analytical chemists, scientists, technicians, and support personnel has extensive experience in the analysis of samples as dictated by EPA methods and various regulatory agencies. Dr. Roger Scholl, Laboratory Director, has extensive analytical experience in environmental testing, analytical requirements and data interpretation. Alpha also has an on-staff Nevada certified Environmental Manager, Randy Gardner, and a Quality Assurance officer, Walter Hinchman. Alpha is dedicated to providing quality analytical data and superior client services. Alpha's experienced professional st aff and state-of-the-art facilities provide clients with quality data, flexible turn-around times and competitive pricing.
Company Overview
Alpha is one of the largest organic GC/MS laboratories on the west coast specializing in the analysis of ground water for solvents, fuels, oxygenates and other volatile organics. Alpha is owned, operated and incorporated in the state of Nevada.. Environmental