We took our weak sick cat there and paid for $500 worth of tests- xrays, blood test, even IV. No diagnosis. It took about 3 days before we could get results, while our cat was dying every day passing, waiting. finally a call, saying she has an infection, bring her to their hospital. They made us buy special food for her, even after they said she refused to eat when they put food by her mouth...? After $750 worth of bills (with 3 paid days of hospitalization), despite treatments of antibiotics (IV), they returned our cat sicker weaker with a disgusting strench of puss, puss which was not even fully drained, sicker. Within the next two days, our cat became a skeleton, oozing puss out everywhere (nearly a cup of puss), totally immobile, a dying skeleton, it makes me cry. In this economy, we tried so hard to pay the money to save her, putting our faith in the expertise and compassion of 'vets'. if she is so sick, it is the job of a vet to make that decision to lay out the options, s