Our counseling center focuses on individuals, couples, and families having problems with mental health, alcohol, and drugs. We guide our clients to be successful towards goals in all life areas. We make a commitment to confidentiality and ethical behavior, through counseling and coaching practices based on evidence based research.
Our program is just not offered to clients having a alcohol and drug problem, but for those who have received DWI's/DUI's, Domestics, or any other alcohol and drug related legal offenses in the State of Minnesota.
. SERVICES - ASUDS Assessments- MN DMV Requirement,24/48 hours of Treatment,Driving with Care Levels 1 and 2,Couples and Family Counseling,Individual Counseling,In home Therapy,Life Coaching,Codependence Counseling,ADHD Screenings and Counseling,Anger Management/Domestic Violence Assessments,Anger Management/Domestic,Violence Classes,Mental Health Screenings