Don't go here for a bridal updo.....what a rip bridesmaids hair looked better then my updo and they went to great clips or something of the sort. The stylist did nothing special to constitute spending extra for a bridal updo- I came with my hair washed and dry myself. All the stylist did was curl my hair with a curling iron and used a ton of gluey hair spray the stylist plastered down my hair with hairspray my hair looked glued down it and it was flat after going out on a july day due to using all this hairspray. My sister came with me and she got her hair done by someone different and they at least used hot rollers and ger hair looked soft at least that stylist didnt plaster down my sisters updo. Then the stylist that did my so called bridal updo had the nerve to charge me $95 dollars, Im not quite sure why.....before hand i was told $85.00 for a bridal updo...I was ready to pay $95 which was including a $10 tip and before i could pay the cashier told me the stylist said $95. I didnt say anything bec it was my big day i didnt need that crap on my day, but it made me angry. Maybe its because I decided I wanted incorporate french twist into my updo with curls coming out on top instead of just a updo w/ curls??? I am especially angry about the last minute upcharge that the stylist declared. Like i said i didn't ask why but said "oh i was going to give her $95 anyway as part of a tip ??? ok??..." I swear if it wasn't my wedding day I would have called that stylist upfront and had a word with her, but I had to be back asap for photos at the house. So disappointed