All Star Fitness in Monroe is a relatively new gym and was only constructed last year. A very positive aspect of this is that all the equipment there is new, functional, and without any glaring flaws. Every time I go to work out all the machine I use are fulling functioning as they should be. In addition, the gym doesn't skim on free weights either. In fact, the north side of the gym is almost wholly dedicated to free weights. The icing on the cake is that All Star also has a great group of instructors and classes. The class times are fairly standard ranging from early morning 5:30AM for before work to later classes if you prefer to work out after work. The gym also has a nice hot tub and sauna facility in both the men's and women's lock rooms.
My one quibble with All Star is they haven't yet followed through with everything which was promised to members who joined prior to the gym's construction. For example, the pool which was promised by the end of this year initially shows no sign of completion anytime soon.
Aside from the broken pool promise All Star is a good gym with some great instructors.