Alliance for Children and Families, Inc. (ACF) located in Alliance, Ohio, is committed to helping children, individuals, and families lead lives of stability, self-sufficiency and enhancement. ACF operates a shelter for the homeless, provides transitional housing and permanent supportive housing for people in danger of becoming homeless. Homeless Hotline: 330-452-4363 The Alliance for Children and Families administers the following programs: Permanent Supportive Housing Project : Alliance-Families-Intact Residing Successfully Together (A-F.I.R.S.T.) PSH is a 12-unit permanent Supportive Housing Project for homeless families with minor children in the household. The project consists of 10-units of new construction under one roof located at 110 West Cambridge Street in Alliance, Ohio with 2-single family 3-bedroom homes in the same neighborhood. The program provides a holistic approach to ending homelessness by providing on-site wrap around supportive services including a wellness clinic, case management, educational services, counseling, budgeting, laundry facilities, and programming. This increases housing stability and provides support services for the entire family, while reducing the barrier to transportation in a campus-like atmosphere. Transitional Housing Program - Call us at 330-821-6332 to see if you, or someone you know, are eligible! Eligible participants must: • be homeless • meet income guidelines • currently be working • be willing to work toward self-sufficiency Emergency Shelter - Alliance Emergency Residence (AER) Our Homeless Shelter Program provides temporary housing to individuals and families in Alliance and surrounding areas who are homeless. The shelter has 9 secured units and 30 beds. Residents are permitted to stay up to 90 days. Basic services include assistance with fundamental necessities (i.e. food, clothing, diapers, baby formula, etc.), access to kitchen/food services, bathroom and laundry facilities, use of telephone services, life skills classes and case management. Our Alliance Emergency Residence (AER) also provides employment options through newspapers and referrals. AER is also within walking distance (3 city blocks) of the Alliance Neighborhood Center and the Alliance Health Department. All prescreening is done through the Homeless Hotline of Stark County at 330-452-4363. Call us to see if you or someone you know are eligible.