whole process for renting an apartment of medium quality at Tigard was a disaster and a steal! turns out that for eight days, they were calling me to ask for personal information, supposedly to be approved. I gave them everything I was asked and when I almost quiet, they (Thom) called me to ask if somebody else would live with me in the appartment, I told that yes and he asked me to pay $45 for her application; it was friday and he hurried me up to pay with a money order, I had only 35 minutes, but I did, so I paid. Next day, saturday a lady called me to tell me that i was denied because my credit \r
????. They took more than a week to check that out and after they got $45 more they turned me out. How I can call that? I'm going to find a legal way to do something about it.Do they know Business Ethics Defined?