While being under the care of Allen's Pet Resort Chance escaped. 12/26/07. There are two versions from the owner and another from staff. First he jumped a 6' fence and ran too fast to be able to be caught. Then he climbed the same fence, ran too fast care takers could not catch him. Staff were working and they do not know how he escaped from the dog run!? Chance's bedding a queen size comforter was returned to us, because we asked for it, in shreds. Reason given by the owner; ""Staff make mistakes, they gave it to the wrong dog!?"" When I asked what dog food she was giving Chance, she claims she leaves a bowls of food out for him every night and he comes and eats it, she stated the food the kennel provides for the boarders. I asked why she was not giving Chance his food. Owner stated she did not know I had brought Chance his food. I asked owner if she had put fliers out. She said""We did not have enough information on Chance, and besides you only get calls from doing that???? When I dropped Chance off at the""resort"" I asked if I could take a picture of him in the stall he was going to be placed in. The attendant said they did not allow that. I asked if one of the employees could take a picture to send to my son. The attendant stated that they were too busy. She said she would take a picture of Chance during exercise time and would send it to me via e-mail. I wrote my e-mail address in the back of Chances vaccination record page. 12/23/07 before leaving for the airport I called and left message asking the reason for not having received the photo. No call back. Very little was done to recover our dog. NEGLIGENT to say the least. NOT TO BE TRUSTED WITH LOVED PETS.