ATBPC is a small company with a ginormous heart! The staff are friendly, helpful, not pushy at all, and extremely knowledge. If they don?t know something, they?ll find it out for you. Their prices are *very* reasonable, and less than the bigger stores.! They sell only quality products, and many items that previously were hard to find! They guarantee their products and sincerely want your pet to be as happy and healthy as possible. All the Best Pet Care really is The Best!
And, here?s a letter I wrote them that I wanted to share with my fellow ?Yelpers?:
I wanted to write (I?ve actually been meaning to do this for some time!) and compliment your staff. They are *ALL* so friendly, helpful and informed. They always take a few minutes to greet us, share samples, give advice and suggest new products to try. They always have a smile on their face, a pet (or three) for the furry friends that drop in, and an excellent attitude! This is *such* a rarity in retail, and so refreshing ? we make dropping in to say ?hi!? a part of our regular walks! There have been several times when we've come by at off-hours, seen someone inside, and had them come out to greet us. Most employees would just act like they don?t see you, or try to look too busy to even wave at you, rather than greet a customer during their closed hours!
But the main reason I?m writing is to compliment one particular employee. Her name is Alicia. I met Alicia the first time I came into your store (I?d always shopped at other places, because I assumed being a smaller chain with higher quality items, that I couldn?t afford to shop there ? boy was I wrong! The same food we bought elsewhere was much less expensive at ATBPC, and we get to save on gas and be more eco-friendly, since you are within walking distance. I was a little apprehensive coming into your store ? afraid your employees would push products on me, or that I?d feel like I *had* to buy something, but that was not the case at all! Alicia spent a good deal of time explaining the different products, petting my dog (even helping with a small training issue!), and just chatting about her love of animals.
Every time I have a question or concern, Alicia has the answer ? and if she doesn?t have the answer, she isn?t afraid to admit it, and go look something up for me, or ask a co-worker her thoughts on the matter. That is SO refreshing! She is so helpful and friendly. Her love of animals shines through in everything she does. I find myself looking forward to talking to her ? I always learn something new, and walk away with a smile on my face, feeling like I?ve just spent time with a friend.
I really wanted to share some of our experiences and thoughts with you, and to thank you for providing such a wonderful source of supplies, camaraderie, and information to our little island. As for Alicia ? she?s a keeper! (And I hope she?s due for a raise, soon ? because she truly deserves it!)
PS: Since writing this letter, I?ve actually had the pleasure of getting to know all the employees there, and I am so impressed! I stop in the store a few times a week, so I have seen the staff interacting with a number of different people, and they always treat each customer the way they?ve treated me: they are friendly and helpful, never pushy, and extremely knowledgeable. They *all* seem to genuinely care about your pet?s well-being. No one walks in the store without hearing a friendly, ?hello!?, or leaves without hearing, ?have a great day!? They offer samples of many different products, so you can ?try before you buy?, and they even guarantee their products! Their main concern always seems to be with finding the best product for your pet.
Pros: Knowledgable staff, excellent products and pricing