!!!!! This is a response to Michael R. 's review. !!!!\r
I am the technician who went to this service call and i am puzzled about how a person can twist reality, lie and make false accusations trying to damage a bussiness. This is a good example that the customer is NOT always right.\r
Now let's get to the truth.\r
This dishwasher i serviced had no sign of life when i arrived. After thoroughly checking each component, including the main electrical 110V connection at the ""wire nuts"" at the front of the dishwasher, the conclusion was that\r
the control board behind the touchpanel was bad. At this point i already had spent around 20 minutes. But i took the extra step to unscrew the dishwasher and pull it out from under the counter. After further investigation i realized that the main electrical cord had another connection with ""wire nuts"" at the far back behind the\r
dishwasher, which is an improper installation and a fire hazard to begin with. \r
This connection got loose and started burning the wire nut which is the mentioned wire nut connection.\r
After quoting this customer for $110 he accepted and made the payment.\r
Now the facts.\r
i spend 1 hour at the customers house, NOT 30-45 min.\r
I am not a contractor; i am working full time with All Florida Appliance and A/c.\r
The regular price he had to pay would have been $55 (trip charge) + 70 (1 hour) = $125\r
i gave him a discount and charged him only $110 and told him that my company allows us technicians to be flexible and would be ok with my discount, i did NOT say that i can make my own prices.\r
i did NOT see any ""elderly"" in the house. i assume that he considers himself elderly (he looked like he is in his 30's the most) \r
i want to apologize for the language i am using but this is the language this customer used.\r
i want to make one thing clear..payment is for my knowledge/honesty/good workmanship...NOT for the hour i spend at the house.\r
throughout my career many times i fixed appliances within 20 min, where before me 3 technicians from different companies couldn't figure out what the problem was after 5 trips.\r
One might want to calculate the hours for those technicians and see how much it would cost if we add up the hours.\r
Why complaining now after i leave the house and the payment was accepted and not while i was there.\r
if ""fixing the electrical wiring with an electrical nut"" is that easy then why need a technician.\r
after all this unnecessary and unjustified drama the valuable lesson i learned is ""Sorry we didn't screw you""\r
and Appliance companies beware of customers like this.\r
And to all customers with the same mindset like this customer, i can just say \r
""if you want us to work for FREE then don't call us, just do-it-yourself""\r
and i feel sorry for myself for wasting my time to reply to this ""review"".\r
While i worked for this company i serviced approximately 4000 customers and this customer is the 2nd person that was not happy with my service.\r
Final note: My employer does not know about this reply and would definitely not approve of my language, and even though i would get in trouble because of this , i had to defend myself and the work i did.