I feel so sorry for people who have to frequent these kinds of places. I lost my wallet and needed to cash a personal check while I waited for my cards to be replaced.
1, To get any service, you have to speak Ghetto.
2, I had my license, passport, checkbook drawing on a full checking account, and you still get treated like dirt, because people in these kinds of places are used to treating each other like dirt.
3, Though I was first in line, because I didn't speak Spanish, I was really treated like I had four eyes. There was someone in the line positively being hostile because they couldnt get their money, because they didn't have the right ""inmate"" info, correction institution details, etc....
4, This place is the soft white underbelly of Boston. I think they have another branch in Roxbury Crossing. Maybe it's less crazy over there, but I doubt it....
5, If you're forced to have to go to a place like this, then I'm sorry, but I suppose they fill a small, dirty, niche - but don't let your experience color your experience of fellow mankind.