I visited the studio about 2 years ago to obtain advice on what colors I should be wearing. I worked with Marge, who took about an hour to go through all the colors with me and to create a swatch of colors for me to use while shopping.
This was the first color consultation I ever received, but I think it was comparable to other places. Although, my co-worker went to another business out in Walnut Creek, and received a swatch that went into more detail about the type of jewelry she could wear.
Marge was also able to go through the make-up colors that would look good on me, and was pretty helpful when I had questions about application. You'll sit on a stool while she'll place swaths of fabric by your face and hair. She'll look closely to see what colors make your features stand out.
The consultation was rather pricey, and you may be added to a mailing list they have for clothing sales.
Personally, I didn't like the clothing options because they are geared toward an older clientele in their 40s and 50s.
When you pick up your swatch on the second visit , you can also bring in clothes from your wardrobe so that she'll also explain why something doesn't work color-wise.
I've used the swatch all the time, and now that I know the colors that look best on me I can shop with confidence. Where previously, I felt overwhelmed when entering a store.
I wish they would touch on types of clothing, and what would look best in terms of necklines, hem length etc.