I met Alese Greene when my long-time agent retired recently and I refused\r
to work with the agent who took over for him, feeling that I should have\r
some say in picking an agent whom I felt would be compatible with what our\r
insurance needs are. I have had State Farm as my insurance company since the\r
mid-1970's for both auto and home-owners' insurance coverage and know that a\r
good supportive agent can REALLY make the difference concerning getting a\r
claim put through in a timely manner or not. I needed to find an agent that\r
I believed would work for MY benefit. And so I interviewed several agents\r
and found Alese. My hunt stopped there: I found her experienced,\r
knowledgeable, she listened to our needs and offered her advise, which I\r
found to be sound and thoughtful. She is pleasant and encouraging. Her staff\r
is well-trained and respectful.\r
I am satisfied that IF I have a need, she will be there for us!