Mission: We must educate the public that a quality alarm system cannot be bought for pocket change. It's a laborious effort on the part of the security consultant, and the technicians to design and properly install each system for each kind of home and business. We must demonstrate that security is an investment on the level of a quality home refrigerator or a stove, but with a much greater life safety benefit to the family. • We distance ourselves from promotional alarm companies that do little to provide life safety for their customers and we endeavor to educate the public about the dishonest procedures that they employ. • * We emphasize life safety as the goal of our security systems. We strongly stress that every home have smoke and fire detection as a part of its fully monitored security system.. 24-hour locally monitored alarms,Wireless and hard-wired security systems,Access Control,Total Connect Systems,Camera Systems,Medical alert buttons,Alarm notifications on cell phone/PDA via text message.