Alden Park apartments is all about appearance, but has nothing to offer. The apartment boast about their security but the security guard at the gate never paid attentions to who is coming through and the night time doorman is asleep most of the time. The side door has been broken for the past two years and never been fixed\r
The parking situation has worsen over the past two years also because of the construction. There is a dent on my car from the bricks falling down because of the construction. My friend who came to visit me suffers the same damage to his car!\r
The apartment staff is totally unprofessional. They never return your call the first time, I usually have to call 3-5 times and leave multiple message before I get a response. The receptionist is very rude and always gives me the attitude when I ask her to transferred me to the manager or the accountant department. \r
The maintenance is a joke; the services depended on their mood. They will come if something is leaking, but other than that, don't expect anything. \r
The noise level in the apartment is so bad from the combination of the contruction drilling during the day and drunken college kids partying at all hours at night.\r
Overall, I'm glad I moved out, it's such a nightmare to live there!