What is your problem, you just have to lie about everything until you can't tell up from down. The adoption center does great, they do not adopt animals with out being filling cared for, yes that includes vaccines. You are so sad and pathetic to still be tossing around this lie, lets grown up shall we. Craigslist, zootoo, and what ever you can get to you lie on. Leave the mccombs alone it is not their fault you are a failure that can't admit it. This is a good organization, with good people running it. If you are too sucked into you world of denial to see that than shame on you Tony and Kathy!! Oh yes I know who you are, it's no mystery you were FIRED and that is the reason for this dumb stuff. You sat behind a desk did nothing fought rick every step of the way and for what? So you could slander his families good name. Dogs spent years there under your time there, thats not right what kind of life is that for a dog, they need that family life not a pin they stayed locked in. If you think the animals where happy that way you must have a twisted and almost sick view. Rick and his dad have done wonders with the place you could never come close to. It always stunk and looked like a mess. He even offered to let you live there and work else were when things didn't work but you couldn't shut your mouth, You had to spout nasty things to the new employees. You people really have no room to talk at all.