My husband needed to get some passport photos done, so my daughter took him here out of convenience. Or so she thought. My husband suffered a stroke several years ago and is partially paralyzed on the left side and doesn’t walk very well, and has difficulty going up stairs—of any kind or height.
The front door to Aladdin has a relatively high step up into the building and my husband was having difficulty getting through the door. My daughter asked the employees inside if he could go through the building from the rear (for whatever reason this building is built on a slant). They abruptly told her “no, that’s the only way in” and watched her struggle with my husband and the door. If it wasn’t for a nice male customer that helped him up the step, I don’t know what they would have done.
My recommendation? If you really need passport photos, go to Walgreen’s—they’re cheaper and just as good.