Huge lot of cars many used cars that were reposessed and were takin' the yard to be used for various purposes one being to sell as used parts. My 94 Trooper needed a 1/4 Left Window I called Ajax and asked them if they had my part. And within matter of minutes they said to come down and pick up the glass. I went down to the yard and everyone there was nice and helpful. They took me out to the used Isuzu in their selfmade vehicle, fun ride no windows, no nothing on the car except a running metal with wheels. We got to the Isuzu and the guy took off the window. It was the perfect fit for my vehicle. They are WELL organized and their computer databse of parts is uptodate. People like to mess around and someone was joking around and probably threw a rock at my window and shattered it. going to the Manufacturer would have cost me over 700 bucks for new part and replacement/installation. Ajax, replaced my part and gave me the glass for 100 dollars. Good place! Installing the window was 20 bucks.