I couldn't get my Bryant furnace to come on, so I searched the internet for someone local. Big mistake on my part! No sense of community from this outfit. Service charge is $145.-- I was charged an additional $75. for tech to come back the next day for an additional part that ""had to be ordered."" The ""installation"" took all of 10 minutes -- which actually ups the hourly rate to $450 an hour if you think about it. I was also told that I was cut a ""big break"" by not being charged full price for the service charge and part (a limit switch for $60?- I looked it up, it goes for ten bucks wholesale on the internet). Furthermore-- we were promised a new thermostat, gratis, which never materialized . It's really no surprise then, that, $300 later, I feel somehow violated. I should have charged $100 for using my bathroom (twice)! Next time I will gravitate toward companies who advertise that they charge by the job, not by the hour. Airtron? thanks, but no thanks. The repair was competent, however I can't help but feel I was baited into an exorbitant ""service charge."" As I am not made of money, I CANNOT RECOMMEND