This has been the worst experience ever!! We had to rebuild our house due to a total loss house fire. This was a brand new set up for Airmax. They screwed up the ducking and the equipment is crap! There is nothing and I mean nothing that they have done that is right!!!! Have had several visits from the workers and call backs from them but the owner Larry Watkins is a waste of time!! He doesn't care about the customers!! He was suppose to be here at the house the past 2 days with the guys to find and fix the problem...but he NEVER showed!! He told the restoration company rep he would be here but just another LIE from LARRY!!! All he wants is to get your money and give you a crappy job!! Sorry excuse for an AC/Heat company!!! How this company is still working is unreal!!! They write their own reviews so they look good but they are not real customers!!! But I can tell you and everybody around here can tell you how sorry AIRMAX is!!! Nothing is CODE by the book!!! Had the Product manager come down and the end result is AiRMAX is going to take everything out(Ducking, Furnance, and Heat Pump) and start over! SO you know the whole thing is screwed up!! The house is 1750 sq ft and is mostly ""Green"" has foam in attic, walls, and sealed crawl space. They AC/Heat is suppose to be High Eff and Energy Eff. But the bill is still $200-300 higher than before the fire!! AIRMAX needs to go back to School and get some training!! I always sue this statement when it fits!!! ""You can't fix stupid""! The biggest issue is NOTHING is CODE and this is a huge mistake on AIRMAX!!! Please read and re-read!! DON""T BUY or USE AIRMAX!!!! NO Need for you to go through what we have!!!!!!!!! What a joke of a company!!!! Use a REAL AC/Heat Company!!!!!!!