Dr. Aimin Chang helped me save my life period end of story. She has a gift and uses it to help people. It is expensesive but what would you pay to improve the status of your health. She is educated in both Western and Eastern medical techniques and is painfully concise and honest (something lacking in the strictly Western approach to good health where everyone seems too busy covering their liabetical asses to do much good at all). God bless her for the work she does. She teaches people how to take care of themselves and is invested and interested in their progress. She uses a vast array of herbs and foods to treat illness naturally and holistically, however; the real healing takes place from the acupuncture treatments which enables ones body to heal itself. Visiting Dr. Chang in her clinic is one of the best things that has ever happened to me and I would go back every week if I could afford it.
Pros: availability, quality, kindness, value, honesty, wisdom, effectiveness, education, etc.etc.
Cons: monetary cost