My opinion of these people couldn't get any lower and I have seen numous court cases to back this up. They are about as unscrupulous as it gets, they will lie about service over and over because the courts won't stop it. They will go after judgements they know ahead of time are fruadgulent. They won't fix their mistakes unless forced and they take no responsibility for their action unless forced to. This company has no business being allowed to practice in the state of Colorado and most likely if their practice's are the same in Montana I am suprised they are not tared and feathered. My opinion is these people are dishonest sc u m! They violate FDCP and FCRA guildlines and the very eccense of fairness put forth to protect the American public and I would recommend not using any company that these people represent. They should be put out of business.
Pros: The is nothing good about lying to the courts!
Cons: This company will lie, cheat or steal to get ahead