On Hawthorne, you will find stores for Buddahists, Wicccans, feminists...you name it...spiritualism is IN on Hawthorne. Long before any of those stores were even ever thought of, however Agape was (and still is) there.
What is Pentacostalism? Pentacostalism is the mystical part of christianity..the part that raises the dead, speaks in tongues, performs healings, dares to handle snakes, foretells the future, and does in all in the name of the Christian God.
It's a funny little store...three rooms, one for music and "tracts", one for education....which is essentially Bibles and "how to" manuals and trinkets, and a third that sells quality pet food. Guess the right-wingers love their dogs!
When I think of the religious right, I think of uncomfortable clothing, quiet boring Sundays, and lots of fear. This store presents another side of the coin that gives all those other spiritual stores a run for their money for those seeking spiritual power.
Also interesting in this store is the bulletin board that tells all about the underground meetings of those who use the materials found here. It's worth checking out...just check your tarrot cards at the door!