I had no intention of shopping for myself when I went to the mall the other day but there in the window was the most beautiful sweater and it was 50% off! Yes, those sale signs to bring the customers in! I thought I'd just check it out, still not planning on buying anything, expecting them to not have my size. I thought it was a store more geared for teenagers. I'd never actually been inside before. I easily found my size - and a second shirt that I might be interested in and just as quickly, a salesperson came to my aid. She pointed out other shirts I might like, pants to go with, sweaters, sale items, you name it,she found them and she didn't just point them out. She helped me find the right size, got me a changing room, took the armload of clothes I had for me and all with a smiling face.
I walked out 30 minutes later with 2 bags, 6 new outfits and a smile on my face! Thank you for bringing good service back to the stores! Sometimes it seems so obsolete. It's nice to be able to shop in a store you can afford AND have good service - the two don't always go hand and hand.