Do not take your children to this horrible practice. My daughter was misdiagnosed at 18 months old by Dr. Ira LaVoe. I brought her in when I noticed a strange rash developing on her arm after scratching her excema. Dr. LaVoe diagnosed her with mini-hemagiomas, ordered blood work and said ""good luck finding a pediatric dermatologist that will be abel to fit her in before six months"". I did not agree with his dx. since hemanigiomas in children appear at birth and are not caused by scratching excema. He did not offer to make any calls to try to get her in. I called around myself and was able to get her in immediately to Main Line Dermatology because of her young age. The dermatologist dx. her with Folliculitis and did a scratch test of the area. It turned out that she also had a STAPH infection and could have ended up hospitalized. I reported Dr. LaVoe to the owner of Broomall Pediatrics. I always steer people away from this practice since I""ve also had issues with 2 other dr.'s there. Go somewhere else !!!!