Do you visit a doctor who has your ?best health? at heart? If not, I ask you to consider making a change in the way that you treat your body, and make an appointment to see Dr. C. Gary Taylor -- he is a doctor who has a heart to "fix" the problems that you may present, and will get to the bottom of your issue(s), assessing your needs to eliminate that concern. I highly recommend that you discontinue going from one doctor's office to another and make an appointment to see him now. Why? It's because the holistic approach, coupled with chiropractic, work together to resolve healthcare issues that most professionals do not usually consider as a possible reason for the healthcare issue -- there are many underlying reasons why we as humans suffer from different ailments; when the underlying issue is resolved, our path to wellness begins. How do I know? I am the recipient of such treatment provided by Dr. Taylor ? treatment that continues to pay off, wholly. Each person being different,